logo5x.GIF (2720 bytes)  Clients download the latest update to receive the newest features!
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New Features
Adding Category Codes to Multiple Contacts

Advancements in e-mail newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Advancements in Mail Merge newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)


Auto-Update from Main newdate2a.GIF (189 bytes)

Blast E-Mail

Categorizing Projects

Consolidated Mailing date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Duplicating Records within a Project

Editing your Itineraries date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Importing Data from Bacon's newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Importing Data into a Project

Invitation Lists

New Codes

Organizational Record newdate2.GIF (192 bytes)

Organizational Report newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Printing Call Sheets by Market

Project Search

Quick Confirmation Letters newdate4.GIF (190 bytes)

Reverse Send

Searching by Date of Entry newdate2a.GIF (189 bytes)

Timed Notes date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Title Standardization newdate2.GIF (192 bytes)

Updating PA 2000

newdate3A.GIF (364 bytes)

Publishing Mail Merge Letters

During the installation of your Publicity Assistant 2000 system, each publicist was set up with a group of pre-set mail merge letters. These letters are customizable to each publicist. These letters can also be created, saved and shared with other members of your department. To publish a mail merge letter, select the output button on your Publicity Assistant tool bar and double-click on mailmerge. A list of mail merge letters will appear in the output box. Right-click on the letter you wish to share with other members of your department. The following window will appear. 

sharingmailmerge.GIF (4119 bytes)

Select "publish this letter." A folder has been set up in order to save and download mail merge letters. Type the name of your letter in the "save as" box and press publish. Your mail merge letter has now been saved and other members of you department may download this letter.

To download a published letter, select the output button on your Publicity Assistant tool bar and double-click on mailmerge. A list of mail merge letters will appear in the output box. Right-click on the letter you wish to download. Select "download a published letter." A folder has been set up in order to save and download mail merge letters. Select the mail merge letter you wish to download and hit the download button. The letter will appear in your output window under mailmerge letters.


For more information on how you can have this or any new feature as part of your Publicity Assistant 2000 system, contact us.

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