logo5x.GIF (2720 bytes)  Clients download the latest update to receive the newest features!
line1a.GIF (246 bytes)
homeblue.GIF (142 bytes) prodblue.gif (979 bytes) tourblue.GIF (1169 bytes) helpblue.GIF (213 bytes) clientsblue.GIF (166 bytes) linksblue.GIF (146 bytes) contactusblue.gif (203 bytes)

New Features
Adding Category Codes to Multiple Contacts

Advancements in e-mail newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Advancements in Mail Merge newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)


Auto-Update from Main newdate2a.GIF (189 bytes)

Blast E-Mail

Categorizing Projects

Consolidated Mailing

Duplicating Records within a Project

Editing your Itineraries date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Importing Data from Bacon's newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Importing Data into a Project

Invitation Lists

New Codes

Organizational Record newdate2.GIF (192 bytes)

Printing Call Sheets by Market

Project Search

Publishing Mail Merge Letters newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Quick Confirmation Letters newdate4.GIF (190 bytes)

Reverse Send

Searching by Date of Entry newdate2a.GIF (189 bytes)

Timed Notes date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Title Standardization newdate2.GIF (192 bytes)

Updating PA 2000

newdate3A.GIF (364 bytes)

Organizational  Report

The organizational report is printout of the information that has been gathered and stored in the Organizational Record. These reports are helpful when booking radio drive-time tours, satellite TV tours and are convenient profiles of a media outlets. This report is sorted my market and lists the general information about the media outlet and then the shows, producers, telephone numbers, etc for television stations and radio stations and editors for print media. You can choose the radio, TV, or general rankings and the number of markets to be included in the report (the printout can be broken down further by printing all the odd number of markets, or all of the even number markets or you may print all the markets). To generate an organizational report, follow these steps:

1.   From a Search in the Main Media Database or from a project list, select the output button on the Publicity Assistant toolbar and select organizational report. The following window will appear:

orgreport.GIF (23933 bytes)

2.  Choose the market ranking, either radio or TV ranking or a general ranking and choose the type of report, either TV/satellite Bible or Radio/Drive Time. (Other reports for print and online media will be available shortly) A report will be generated that lists the general information stored in the Organizational Record and a list of all producers and shows along with their telephone numbers and e-mail addresses and any notes.


HINT: In order to generate these organizational reports you must first rank your markets. The market ranking is usually based on population. For example, New York City is number 1, Los Angeles is Number 2, and so on. To learn how to add market rankings to your market codes see: Market Codes.

For more information on how you can have this or any new feature as part of your Publicity Assistant 2000 system, contact us.

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