logo5x.GIF (2720 bytes)  Clients download the latest update to receive the newest features!
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New Features
Adding Category to Multiple Contacts

Advancements in e-mail newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Advancements in Mail Merge newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)


Auto-Update from Main newdate2a.GIF (189 bytes)

Blast E-Mail

Categorizing Projects

Consolidated Mailing date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Duplicating Records within a Project

Editing your Itineraries date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Importing Data from Bacon's newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Importing Data into a Project

Invitation Lists

Organizational Record newdate2.GIF (192 bytes)

Organizational Report newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Printing Call Sheets by Market

Project Search

Publishing Mail Merge Letters newdate1a.GIF (192 bytes)

Quick Confirmation Letters newdate4.GIF (190 bytes)

Reverse Send

Searching by Date of Entry newdate2a.GIF (189 bytes)

Timed Notes date4GIF.gif (190 bytes)

Title Standarization newdate2.GIF (192 bytes)

Updating PA2000

New Codes:  Circulation, Hits, Watts and Rank

A new set of codes has been added to Publicity Assistant 2000 that can become part of your search criteria, and the data can be used when generating reports.  Within the code box a new field has been added.   This field is dynamic and will change according to the type of media.  The corresponding codes are as follows: Print and Circulation, Online and Hits, Radio and Watts, and TV and Rank.  To place information into the new code box, place your cursor into the field, click once and type the appropriate information.

 newcodes.GIF (1846 bytes)     

With in the search box, the ability to search for Circulation, Rank, or Hits has been added.  For example, you can now search for an online site with hits greater than 1000 but less than 10,000, by typing this criteria into the greater than and less than fields, checking the Online button, and hitting the search button.

 newcode1.GIF (7788 bytes)          

For more information on how you can have this or any new feature as part of your Publicity Assistant 2000 system, contact us.

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