The data in your lists is independent of the data in the Main Media. When you are ready
to use your projects for mailing lists, callsheets, etc. you may want to
compare your contacts to those in the Main Media Data. Auto-synchronize is a quick way to
see the differences between the contact information contained in individual projects and
that of the Main Media Data. To use this feature:
- Open a Project List.
- Select the second tab (i.e. reviewers, contacts).
- Open the first record in the Project List. Blue highlights allow you to easily identify
differing fields between the Project List and the Main Media Data. (Fig. 1)
- Place your cursor over any blue highlighted field. A pop-up window will appear telling
you what information is in this field in the Main Media Data and when this contact record
was last updated. (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1
Hint: First sort the Project List and scroll to
the top to find the first record. Use the Updated field to determine which
record is more recent.
- To update this contact record right-click on the blue highlighted field you wish to
change. A pop-up window will appear that gives you four choices: you can update this
field; update this field in the main data; update this entire record; update the entire
record in the main data. Click on a selection. (Fig. 2)
- To move on to the next record use your Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard.
Fig. 2
TIP: Auto-Synchronize may not be set as a default on your system. To use this
feature: go to the option menu and select Auto-Synchronize. If you would like
Auto-Synchronize set as a default contact Publicity Assistant.
For more information, see:
![CHICLET.gif](CHICLET.gif) Synchronizing Projects with Main Data |