Moving a Group of Contacts between Lists
Moving a Group of Contacts between Lists
To easily move all the contacts from one list to another project list follow
these simply instructions:
- Open both the lists. (The list you want to send contacts to and the list you
want to send contacts from).
- Click once on the list that you want to send contacts from. This window will
move forward.
- Select the second tab (i.e. the reviewers, contacts, or browse tab) in the
list that you want to send contacts from.
- Next, drag the column header bar from the current list to the target project.
- The selection tag window will appear, if you are sending records to a Review
List. Here, you may enter selection codes. You may also tag the reviewers as a
recipient of only press releases, or of bound galleys, by clicking on the
appropriate boxes. Alternatively, you may elect not to add any codes or tags. All
contacts will be coded accordingly. When the contacts have been added to the
new list, the new project window will move forward and the save and undo
buttons will be activated.
Alternatively, you may move a group of contacts from an existing project to a
new project by making a copy. See, Making a copy of an Existing Project.
For more information see:
Moving Names between Lists