The Toolbar
The Toolbar contains buttons for those functions you use most frequently. It is almost
always available, and most importantly it is context sensitive - as you change the area of
Publicity Assistant you are in, the functionality of the Toolbar automatically changes
with you. For example, the basic activities of adding, editing, searching, etc.
become relevant to whatever you are working on at the moment. If you are in the Main Media
Data screen, the ADD button allows you to add a new contact. If you are in the Review List
screen, the ADD button allows you to add (i.e. create) a new review list project.
At any time, the options available to you will be highlighted in blue. In some cases,
they may be highlighted in other colors. Also, in certain circumstances, the buttons
change such as during outputs of projects. Below is an overview of each button as it
appears on the main toolbar:
- Add: Press this button to add contacts to projects and to the Main Media Data. It also
lets you create new projects when you have selected the Review List, Promotional Tours,
or Special Projects tab.
- Edit: This button allows you to edit contacts in projects and in the Main Media
Data. It can also be used to open existing projects.
- Search: Pressing this button in the Main Media Data prompts you to search through
your contacts. If you select a project area (i.e. Review Lists), it will prompt you to
search for a project. If selected while in a project, it will allow you to search the
contacts in your project. When a search on the Main Media Data has been performed, the
Search Button will become red, indicating that you are viewing the results of a search. To
clear your search and view all the records, press the Search Button again. It then returns
to blue, indicating that you are viewing all records.
- Select: Allows you to select contacts in the Main Media Data, or in a project.
These contacts can be selected for printouts, or for transfer to other lists.
- Send: Sends selected contacts to a project.
- Sort: Allows you to sort the Main Media Data by market order, callsign, show
name, last name or order of entry making it easier to find data, you may also sort
contacts in a project.
- Delete: Allows you to delete items in whatever area is active. In the Main Media
Data and in a project, it deletes whatever contact you have selected. In a project area
(i.e. the list of Review Lists), it deletes whichever project is selected.
- Output: This button activates all output. This includes printing, creating
mailing labels, faxing, e-mailing, and other forms of output humanity has devised.
- Save: As the name suggests it allows you to save things. Many times, you
must save your work by pressing control-end or by closing a window.
- Undo: Allows you to undo recent changes. For example, if while editing a contact
you realize you have made a mistake, pressing undo before closing the window or saving it
will undo your changes. Also, when adding contacts to projects, the UNDO button allows you
to remove all additions since your last save (i.e. since the last time you closed the
- Close: Closes all windows except the Publicity Assistant 2000 main screen, which
it brings forward and opens.
- Exit: Allows you to exit the program.
- Quick Search: Quickly searches the Main Media Data for the text entered within
the Quick Search box. Quick Search searches either by Market, Callsign, Show Name or Last
Name depending on how the Main Media Data is sorted. The Main Media Data is sorted by
Market by default. To search for a last name, sort the Main Media Data by Last Name (by
clicking in the column header of Last Name), and then type your search into the Quick
Search box. Publicity Assistant searches as you type.